Thursday, February 12, 2015

Catch-up #4 - Random photos

Here's a few neat pictures that I've snapped the last few months that haven't made it here yet...
This was from last fall... feelin' froggy with the chainsaw.

Also from last fall... a flock of turkeys near my house, which
isn't exactly a common sightin'.

No filters on this beauty... Sunrise over the Bradford County
hills en route to the woods in November.
Christmas mornin' in the milkin' parlor with my cousins
Davey and Adam.

The comin' of the new year means that our local Apple Valley
Creamery has their damn-near famous Orange Cream milk
back in production. I also picked up some leftover Egg Nog
for me and some Chocolate milk for my lovely lady.

Splittin' some wood out back.
Behind the ol' farmhouse at the farm after a recent snow.
A recently-acquired Charles Daly Auto Pointer, basically a
clone of the famous Browning A5. I will have Belgian-made
Browning A5 in a magnum 20 gauge one day, but this will
scratch the itch until I can afford one.

The best part of a successful harvest...

Mother Nature's take on some condensation on the office
at the farm.

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