Friday, April 4, 2014

Bar etiquette

Before you head to the bar tonight, take a few minutes and read this article. Even though it was written on the other side of the pond, bein' that I moonlight on the weekends at a local waterin' hole, I can relate. I've become a much better patron since I started workin' in the industry. That said, maybe it takes workin' it to not be a douche. The author, an experienced bartender, dispels such spot on gems as this:

Being a bartender has taught me many things; how to function between the hours of 9pm to 5am, the beauty of Sundays, that observation truly is an art form, that logic and practicality are foreign concepts in the modern world, how to turn drinks into meals, the glory of going against the grain and most importantly the ability to smile at someone whilst imagining punching them in the face repeatedly.

Anyway, take a few minutes and read the rest of the article. It'll make your local bartender much happier.

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