Monday, January 23, 2012


I'm definitely not a State Penn fan, and I sure as shit wasn't a fan of their figurehead idol head coach. I wonder almost daily how I manage to put up with the inane antics of the girl I sleep next to every night, who was bred, born and raised to cheer everything Penn State. I guess I put up with it because she's beautiful.

But I digress.

I've been waitin' for years for the old bastard to swan-dive and die on the sidelines durin' a game. Don't get me wrong... I never wished for his death, I was just simply waitin' for it to happen. He predicted many years ago that he'd probably kick the bucket soon after his coachin' career came to an end, just like the Bear. Reckon he wasn't surprised or disappointed.

That said, college football took on a whole new light in November without him prowlin' the sidelines, and yesterday mornin' marked the end of an era. The only thing I liked about Paterno was that in this day in age of big schools changin' coaches like we change underwear, the one thing we could put money on was seein' ol' Joe on the sidelines in the fall. College football would be a better place if all schools and coaches could have that kinda long-term commitment to each other.

I can't say that I'll miss the man, but he meant an awful lot to a lot of my friends and lot of other people.

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